Wednesday, 17 February 2010

My Challenge

Well I have set my self a challenge to lose a stone in weight - I have told myself again and again that I will stop eating junk and eat more healthy - well I find it quite difficult - espeially with children who sit and eat chocolate and sweets and gregs sausage rolls and now Phil my other half is sat with a big packet of Jazzies ( the white chocolate with candy on top) - I am trying not to look but its difficult si I thought I would take my mind off it by writing this post - so I now have told myself that I have 5 months to tone and lose the flab and get to my ideal weight of 9 1/2 stone to 10 stone - Can I do this - Oh yes I can - watch this space I will not be beaten , I will get to wear this outfit or similar you see below and get out on the town looking fab. Oh yes I will

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Celebs and EFT

Oooh Celebritys now admit to using EFT (check out the link below) - Fantastic - lets get this amazing technique out there in the spot light, and I would not mind been a therapist for celebs -especially the likes of Ben Affleck (of course he would have to travel to me) or even the famous England Rugby Union Jonny Wilkinson - oooooh now would I be able to concentrate if he was sat in front of me - hmmmmmmmm - of course I would - they say picture people in there underwear if you feel nervous - yes I can certainly do that - tee-he ;)

Need your roof fixing???

I have to post this for my beloved Phil :-) ok well I dont have to but I want to as I am very proud of all his hard work and effort he has put into his business - he set up his own business last February after working as a roofer for 16 years - this is his website which is currently been updated - I should be doing his accounts now but instead I am writing this post - Ill get there eventually - Honest - but the likes of this blog and facebook keep getting in my way :)

My new blog

At long last I have set up a new blog page for Life Changes UK - about time eh :) well I can now keep you up to date with news and updates about all sorts and random waffling on too - let me know what you think of the layout because I am pretty new to setting up a blog page